Tuesday, May 29, 2012


So yesterday at work I heard parts of a conversation over near where the Enquirer magazines are...you know the magazines where all the fake news stories are. Some of the words I heard were: naked, cannibal, man's face, GONE, took a couple shots to kill him. So of course, you can imagine my stunned reaction. At first, I was like "helloooo you're reading this from fake magazines! Let's get real people, this is NOT real" On my break, however, is when I was totally freaked out. I went over and grabbed the newspaper that had a title that read, "SICK! Man Eats Another Man's Face" and to my surprise it was not the Enquirer or some other dumb magazine. Some guy really did eat another man's face off! 80% in fact. What is this world coming to? Drugs and zombies? Drugged zombies? I don't know, and I don't know if I really even want to know what's going on. Just kidding, I'm very interested in what would make a human being get naked and then eat the face of another naked human being ON A HIGHWAY no less. I feel like "normal" cannibals would at least do that in their garage or in the woods or someplace private, not where you have a million witnesses. So, I will spend the next couple of days researching this gruesome topic because sadly, it is quite intriguing.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Too Much of A Good Thing

After much anticipation, I finally went to the new Forever 21 store at Carousel. What a disappointment. Everyone told me that it's really huge and overwhelming, but they did not stress to me just how huge and overwhelming it is! You walk in sorta knowing what you want to buy, and suddenly you lose all sanity and run around like a mad woman because there is just so much stuff! I didn't necessarily like the old store, but I didn't hate it either. I think a one story re-vamp of the store would have sufficed, but no they had to one up themselves and make it like a department store! The one thing I liked was that they have a shoe room with a lot of shoes and they had mt size in the store for once! I never get that lucky. Once I became semi-sane again, I spent way too much money and all of that good stuff, so I guess I'll just get used to it.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Prom Hater

It's a good thing that I don't have prom again next year, because I wouldn't go. It really is a huge waste of money. Tickets were $40 this year and for what? The food wasn't even that good, and that's really all I cared about. The extra money went to cheapy little masks that were probably made for 50 cents and decorations that no one really appreciated. As if that wasn't bad enough, I didn't win anything at the after party! I stayed up until 4 in the morning for absolutely nothing! Such a rip off. I got a t shirt out of that whole little deal, yay. All in all, the only good thing I got out of prom this year were pretty good pictures before, which I guess is good, but if you think about it I paid a lot of money to go to a park in a dress and take pictures. Oh and don't forget the part where you get to go watch your classmates basically fornicate on the dance floor. Nooooo thank you.