Friday, May 11, 2012

Prom Hater

It's a good thing that I don't have prom again next year, because I wouldn't go. It really is a huge waste of money. Tickets were $40 this year and for what? The food wasn't even that good, and that's really all I cared about. The extra money went to cheapy little masks that were probably made for 50 cents and decorations that no one really appreciated. As if that wasn't bad enough, I didn't win anything at the after party! I stayed up until 4 in the morning for absolutely nothing! Such a rip off. I got a t shirt out of that whole little deal, yay. All in all, the only good thing I got out of prom this year were pretty good pictures before, which I guess is good, but if you think about it I paid a lot of money to go to a park in a dress and take pictures. Oh and don't forget the part where you get to go watch your classmates basically fornicate on the dance floor. Nooooo thank you.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree, I am glad that we have no more proms after this year becasue like you i spent enormous amounts of money on this thing and didn't really enjoy the food or masks. I didn't win anything at the after party either what a waste of $100 that I could have spent on a new phone.
